Wednesday, December 22, 2010

{Wednesday Warehouse}

Today I'd like to feature Aidan Gray, they carry some of my favorite products right now (see below).

The Aidan Gray line represents [it's] love for interiors, design and authentic products that exude “European Grandeur.” The founding partners’ desire for products made by hand and with authentic materials such as solid wood, rustic metals, antique mirror, old painted finishes and silk appointments drives product development.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

{Addiction Tuesday}

Accent Chairs.
They are your chance to go out on a limb and do something a little funky.
I just can't get enough of 'em!

Monday, December 20, 2010

{The Whole Deal} #8

Nickel Drum Pendant-

I've had my eye on this pendant for a while from Embellish Home in Phoenix. I'm wanting marble counter tops in our next house and this vintage nickel drum pendant would pair perfectly!

Retails in your local boutiques for: $398

Become a follower and purchase through {The Whole Shebang} Interior Design this week for only: $279!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

{Thirty-Minute Thursday} #4

I did this storyboard last Thursday but then my Photoshop decided it was too tired to function anymore. So, I kidnapped my little brother's computer and put it together this week. It's a baby boy's room but could easily be changed into a toddler's room by only switching out the crib- easy!

My inspiration for this room was Jonathan Adler's Rhino Footstool. It's out of leather and so fun and creative.


{Wednesday Warehouse} #5

Sorry I've had company in town for my husbands graduation and will be catching up on my posts over the next few hours/days.

Here's Wednesdays (I completed these posts before everyone came so I could just post them each day but I didn't even have time for that- please forgive :-))

Serena & Lily- It all began one serendipitous day in October 2003. Serena Dugan, a textile designer and artist, meets Lily Kanter, a corporate refugee turned baby boutique owner.

They have their own line of one-of-a-kind textiles and furniture for not only your nursery but your master bedroom and guestrooms.

My favorite part of their online shop is when they open up their Bazaar. January 22nd is the next time they will feature unique finds that they have picked up from all over the world. You have to act fast because they sell off like crazy and can never be found again!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

{Addiction Tuesdays}

 Rugs are my drugs.

When I think of The Rug Company my mouth starts to water a little bit. Yum Yum. Their products speak to me on every level. I am a huge huge huge huge huge huge huge huge addict when it comes to quality and richness of color. I am very very picky when it comes any types of fabric whether it's apparel or interior fabrics and I really appreciate the quality of these rugs.

I'm always using their products in my storyboard because they bring everything to life. They have so many items that are unique and edgy and I am such a big fan.

 Here are my all time favorite items they make:

These designers are creating art for your floors. When you see these cushions/pillows in real life they are much larger than you'd expect. They make a such a strong statement- I tend to think they're saying, "Hey look at me, I'm fun- and you're boring." I don't take it as an insult though ;-)

Happy Dreaming,

Monday, December 13, 2010

{The Whole Deal} #7

This weeks deal is on one of my very most favorite decor items. It's functional, stylish, and just happens to be one of those pieces that can go pretty much anywhere-

Can't wait to get my own :-)

Serena & Lily's famous Leather Pouf! You can get it in a variety of colors (Check them out here).

Serena & Lily: $395 (small) $450 (large).

Become a follower and purchase through {The Whole Shebang} Interior Design for only: $316 (small) and $360 (large).

Aren't they so cute!

Happy Decorating,

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

{Wednesday Warehouse} #4

Today's post I wanted to showcase a company that the everyday public shopper might not turn to for furniture and fabrics. Lee Industries makes great custom upholstery and leather products and here are my favorite fabrics and furniture they offer... (you can upholster any of their pieces in any of their fabrics)
I would love this piece in my living room

Doesn't this love seat look so cozy?!


Great rocker for a nursery

How often can you find an oval ottoman?! LOVE!

Cute chair. Seen this in person at Domestic Bliss- loved!

Happy decorating,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

{Addiction Tuesday}

Can't stop.
I'm not harming others-
So what's the big deal??? ;-)