Monday, April 11, 2011


I'm a little speechless this morning after seeing the photos from this months "Kitchen of the Month" from House Beautiful.

So many things in this house speak to me. They're puuuulllinnnnggg at my heartstrings.

Gorgeous Finishes.

I officially dedicate the rest of my day to finding that green tile,

Friday, April 8, 2011

{New Online Service}

*** I've added a new online service!***

It just hit me that I should offer online help for people who have small areas they need help with like a fireplace mantle or an accent wall.

$150 for professional help with a mantle, accent wall, picture collage, bookshelves etc. 

- This will include a detailed storyboard of decor that fits in your budget and you will also receive access to "to-the-trade" items. Paint chips will be included as well as fabric swatches, wallpaper samples, etc.

Don't you want your small, sometimes ignored areas to look like this...!!!!

 E-mail pictures of your small space to get started!

Talk to you soon!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

{So Close, but So Far}

We are ALMOST ready to start the remodel on our house.... we close Monday (cross your fingers).

I've been working lately just fine tuning paint choices and fabric selections. I think I have found all the inspiration I need to get started.

I am having one dilemma. I love green. I hate blue.
.... almost everything I have purchased in my house has blue in it... It's freaking me out. Maybe I don't really hate blue. So, I have mentally decided to embrace the pretty blues and try something new. Even though emerald green will be pulling at my heart strings the entire time.

Here's the color inspiration for the exterior paint of my house-
I've been trying to ignore my gut feelings for this project. My gut just gives me the same direction time and time again and I'm tired of being bored. So, I think I'm going to do a dark brown wash on our brick.... we'll see how that goes :-).

Color Inspiration for the Interior-
I really love black interior doors. The one part of this room that really catches my eye is the black stripe through the crown molding. So refreshing.

Chalk seems to be popping up everywhere and I looovee how huge this chalk board is. I hope I can incorporate something like this too-

I think I am most excited about have some consistency after this remodel. I have been so bad at posting but I have a kagillion fun things I want to share with you. So, I promise I will get back  to my daily posting soon soon soon.
